More SciFoo?

If you’re looking for more Science Foo Camp 2008 content, check the category list to the right – but, so far, I’ve only made a couple posts.

I have MUCH more coming soon…  there were so many amazing sessions and people that I’ll be talking about in future posts.  Plus, some really cool pics and maybe a bit of audio and video.

Stay tuned and thanks for being patient.

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3 thoughts on “More SciFoo?”

  1. If you’d stop joking around so much you could post more. C’mon, Brian… those of us who aren’t talented enough to get invited to the geniusfest that is SciFoo want to live vicariously through you.

  2. Hey Brian,

    What happened? Did you get sucked into the Black Hole created by the LHC or something? Have you given up on science humor to work the Presidential campaign?

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